Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello everyone!

I just finished making a flyer for my search for a band. Not bad if I do say so myself! I will be posting this around the halls of Musicians Institute to help get word out about my search. So far I've got a few responses from guitarists. Nothing is set in stone yet though, so I'm staying open to all responses.

Anyway, I've been as busy as ever. I started up a second part time job (so not to interfere with time I would need for the band) and that's going well. Saving up money for new equipment and performance gear. I'm beginning to write more songs. I've been on a mini hiatus with songwriting. It gets incredibly frustrating writing music with this genre; at least for me. It never sounds the way I want it too. Which if probably the point of writing with the band. They can fill the gaps with even more creative things then what I could come up with. It will be nice, I'm sure.

I also want to take a moment here to send ask readers to send a wish for the people and families hurt by today's bombing at the Boston Marathon. Over a hundred people injured, 3 fatalities. One of whom was just a child runner. It's a sad day, and the gruesome images are everywhere. What was once a holiday for Boston has become a day of painful memory. I hope justice will come to whomever thought selfishly to do such a thing to innocent people. They got what they wanted; attention. Now let's hope they regret ever getting it.

Enough sad talk, I want to thank everyone again for supporting me and my career. Hopefully I'll meet my band soul-mates soon, and we can take the world by storm!

-April Starr